Yup, Diplo Did LSD on NYE

Photo: Jason Koerner/Getty Images
Diplo took a trip on New Year’s Eve, and we’re not just talking about the fact that he got in a chopper. The DJ admitted to tequila-drunk hosts Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper that he was under the influence of a psychedelic drug while live on CNN for the network’s New Year’s Eve special. Cohen teed up the confession by mentioning that Diplo, who was calling in from Los Angeles ahead of a performance at the Avalon Hollywood nightclub, previously claimed to have run the 2023 L.A. Marathon while high on LSD. “What’s the most conventional place that you’ve done LSD?” the Bravo host asked, prompting a chuckle from Diplo. “Right now,” he replied. “I did some on the helicopter on the way here … I’m not even lying.”
As Cooper collapsed into shocked giggles and coughs, Cohen asked Diplo to clarify if he was actually tripping on live TV. “Yeah,” Diplo confirmed calmly. “But it’s like a light trip.” After a couple questions about microdosing and the method of ingestion, Cohen turned to Cooper and asked, “We should point out that it’s illegal, right?” The interaction went viral online, and apparently left a strong impression on Cohen, too. The next morning, on New Year’s Day, Cohen commented on Diplo’s Instagram, “take AC n me in ur 🚁 and dose us.” Speak for yourself, sir. You might be the only one who wants that … unless Cooper is really leaning into a “new year, new me” mindset.