The MFL Just Enjoyed Its First Scoring Surge
Gotham Awards Nominations
To be announced
Nomination in the following categories: 10 points
➼ Best Screenplay
➼ Breakthrough Director
➼ Breakthrough Performer
➼ Documentary Feature
➼ International Feature
Nomination in the following categories: 15 points
➼ Best Feature
➼ Best Director
➼ Outstanding Lead Performance
➼ Outstanding Supporting Performance
Gotham Awards
December 2, 2024
Win in the following categories: 15 points
➼ Best Screenplay
➼ Breakthrough Director
➼ Breakthrough Performer
➼ Documentary Feature
➼ International Feature
➼ Special Category (e.g., Ensemble)
Win in the following categories: 25 points
➼ Best Feature
➼ Best Director
➼ Outstanding Lead Performance
➼ Outstanding Supporting Performance
Film Independent Spirit Awards Nominations
December 4, 2024
Nomination in the following categories: 5 points
➼ First Feature
➼ First Screenplay
➼ Documentary Feature
➼ International Feature
➼ Cinematography
➼ Editing
➼ John Cassavetes Award
Nomination in the following categories: 15 points
➼ Best Feature
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Lead Performance
➼ Best Supporting Performance
➼ Best Breakthrough Performance
➼ Best Screenplay
New York Film Critics Circle Awards
To be announced
Win for Best Film: 20 points
Win in the following categories: 10 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Supporting Actress
➼ Best Screenplay
➼ Best Animated Film
➼ Best Cinematography
➼ Best Nonfiction Film
➼ Best Foreign-Language Film
➼ Best First Film
Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards
To be announced
Win for Best Film: 20 points
Win in the following categories: 10 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Lead Performance
➼ Best Supporting Performance
➼ Best Original Screenplay
➼ Best Adapted Screenplay
➼ Best Animated Feature
➼ Breakthrough Performance
➼ Best Directorial Debut
➼ Best Foreign-Language Film
➼ Best Documentary
➼ Best Ensemble
➼ Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography
Golden Globe Awards Nominations
December 9, 2024
Nomination for Best Picture (Drama, Musical/Comedy): 20 points
Nomination in the following categories: 15 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor, Drama
➼ Best Actress, Drama
➼ Best Actor, Musical/Comedy
➼ Best Actress, Musical/Comedy
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Screenplay
➼ Best Foreign Film
➼ Best Animated Feature
➼ Best Score
➼ Best Song
Critics’ Choice Awards Nominations
To be announced
Nomination in the following categories: 15 points
➼ Best Picture
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Original Screenplay
➼ Best Adapted Screenplay
Nomination in the following categories: 5 points
➼ Young Actor/Actress
➼ Acting Ensemble
➼ Cinematography
➼ Editing
➼ Costume Design
➼ Production Design
➼ Score
➼ Song
➼ Hair/Makeup
➼ Visual Effects
➼ Animated Feature
➼ Comedy Feature
➼ Foreign-Language Film
Oscar Shortlists
December 17, 2024
Placement on any Oscar shortlist: 5 points
AARP Movies for Grownups Awards Nominations
To be announced
Nomination for Best Movie for Grown-ups: 10 points
Nomination in any other category: 5 points
National Society of Film Critics Awards
To be announced
Win for Best Picture: 20 points
Win in the following categories: 10 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Screenplay
➼ Best Cinematography
Golden Globe Awards
January 5, 2025
Win in Best Picture: 35 points
Win in the following categories: 25 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor, Drama
➼ Best Actress, Drama
➼ Best Actor, Musical/Comedy
➼ Best Actress, Musical/Comedy
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Screenplay
➼ Best Foreign Film
➼ Best Animated Feature
➼ Best Score
➼ Best Song
National Board of Review Awards
January 7, 2025
Win for Best Film: 20 points
Earn a spot on the Top 10 Best Films List: 15 points
Win in the following categories: 10 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Screenplay
➼ Best Cinematography
➼ Best Editing
➼ Best Production Design
➼ Best Music Score
➼ Best International Film
➼ Best Documentary/Nonfiction Film
➼ Best Animation
➼ Top 5 Foreign Films
➼ Top 5 Documentaries
➼ Top 10 Independent Films
➼ NBR Freedom of Expression
Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations
January 8, 2025
Nomination in Best Ensemble Cast: 25 points
Nomination in the following categories: 20 points
➼ Best Male Actor
➼ Best Female Actor
➼ Best Supporting Male Actor
➼ Best Supporting Female Actor
Nomination in any other category: 5 points
Directors Guild Awards Nominations
January 8, 2025
Nomination in any category: 15 points
Producers Guild Awards Nominations
January 10, 2025 (Documentary nominations December 10, 2024)
Nomination in any category: 15 points
Critics’ Choice Awards
To be announced
Win in the following categories: 25 points
➼ Best Picture
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Original Screenplay
➼ Best Adapted Screenplay
Win in the following categories: 10 points
➼ Young Actor/Actress
➼ Acting Ensemble
➼ Cinematography
➼ Editing
➼ Costume Design
➼ Production Design
➼ Score
➼ Song
➼ Hair/Makeup
➼ Visual Effects
➼ Animated Feature
➼ Comedy Feature
➼ Foreign-Language Film
BAFTA Awards Nominations
January 15, 2025
Nomination in the following categories: 20 points
➼ Best Picture
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Original Screenplay
➼ Best Adapted Screenplay
Nomination in the following categories: 10 points
➼ British Film
➼ British Debut
➼ Animated Film
➼ Documentary Film
➼ Film Not in the English Language
➼ Casting
➼ Cinematography
➼ Editing
➼ Costume Design
➼ Production Design
➼ Original Score
➼ Hair/Makeup
➼ Special Visual Effects
➼ Sound
Oscar Nominations
January 17, 2025
Nomination in Best Picture: 50 points
Nomination in the following categories: 25 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Original Screenplay
➼ Best Adapted Screenplay
➼ Best Animated Feature
➼ Best Documentary Feature
➼ Best International Feature
Nomination in the following categories: 15 points
➼ Best Cinematography
➼ Best Costume Design
➼ Best Production Design
➼ Best Hair/Makeup
➼ Best Sound
➼ Best Visual Effects
➼ Best Film Editing
➼ Best Original Song
➼ Best Original Score
Writers Guild Awards Nominations
To be announced
Nomination in any category: 10 points
AARP Movies for Grownups Awards
To be announced
Win for Best Movie for Grownups: 20 points
Win in any other category: 10 points
Directors Guild Awards
February 8, 2025
Win in any category: 30 points
Producers Guild Awards
February 8, 2025
Win in any category: 30 points
Writers Guild Awards
February 15, 2025
Win in any category: 20 points
BAFTA Awards
February 16, 2025
Win in the following categories: 35 points
➼ Best Picture
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Original Screenplay
➼ Best Adapted Screenplay
Win in the following categories: 20 points
➼ British Film
➼ British Debut
➼ Animated Film
➼ Documentary Film
➼ Film Not in the English Language
➼ Casting
➼ Cinematography
➼ Editing
➼ Costume Design
➼ Production Design
➼ Original Score
➼ Hair/Makeup
➼ Special Visual Effects
➼ Sound
Film Independent Spirit Awards
February 22, 2025
Win in the following categories: 25 points
➼ Best Feature
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Lead Performance
➼ Best Supporting Performance
➼ Best Breakthrough Performance
➼ Best Screenplay
Win in the following categories: 10 points
➼ First Feature
➼ First Screenplay
➼ Documentary Feature
➼ International Feature
➼ Cinematography
➼ Editing
➼ John Cassavetes Award
➼ Robert Altman Award
Screen Actors Guild Awards
February 23, 2025
Win in Best Ensemble Cast: 50 points
Win in the following categories: 35 points
➼ Best Male Actor
➼ Best Female Actor
➼ Best Supporting Male Actor
➼ Best Supporting Female Actor
Win in any other category: 10 points
The Oscars
March 2, 2025
Win in Best Picture: 100 points
Win in the following categories: 75 points
➼ Best Director
➼ Best Actor
➼ Best Actress
➼ Best Supporting Actor
➼ Best Supporting Actress
➼ Best Original Screenplay
➼ Best Adapted Screenplay
➼ Best Animated Feature
➼ Best Documentary Feature
➼ Best International Feature
Win in the following categories: 50 points
➼ Best Cinematography
➼ Best Costume Design
➼ Best Production Design
➼ Best Hair/Makeup
➼ Best Sound
➼ Best Visual Effects
➼ Best Film Editing
➼ Best Original Song
➼ Best Original Score